Concern as PrEP supplies run low in Australia

Concern as PrEP supplies run low in Australia

Australian sexual health and HIV organisations are sending out reminders for PrEP users to “plan ahead” with their PrEP use and re-ordering amidst a countrywide shortage of the vital medication.

The Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA), the Australian medicines regulation body, has confirmed shortages of tenofovir (TDF) / emtricitabine (FTC) combination tablets, marketed as Truvada by Gilead Sciences, which is used as PrEP to reduce the risk of a person acquiring HIV.

Suppliers of the medication have faced a variety of challenges, including manufacturing difficulties, commercial hurdles, and concerns about product viability. To help alleviate the shortage, the TGA has recently given the green light for the importation and distribution of overseas tablets.

TDF/FTC is not only used to prevent HIV. The medication was first approved in 2004 for HIV treatment and continues to be a key part of many HIV treatment regimens.

Matthew Vaughan, director of HIV and sexual health at Australian charity ACON, expects that supply of the medication will improve in the coming months:

“If you are currently taking PrEP, please do not leave restocking your medication to the last minute. Given the current situation, you may need to visit more than one pharmacy to find a supply, and there may be limitations on how many bottles of PrEP you are able to obtain from the pharmacy. Please plan ahead to ensure you don’t run out”

It is suggested anyone who is currently taking PrEP daily and who is not engaging in regular or frequent sexual activity may want to consider an on-demand dosing schedule to make their supply last longer.

Anyone struggling to access PrEP via their usual methods or pharmacies is encouraged to visit the PrEP Access Now website for advice and support.

Vaughn added that “[whilst the] situation may be concerning, but we are confident that it will be resolved in the coming months”.

This news comes just as Japan approves TDF/FTC as PrEP for the prevention of HIV after years of campaigning and delays.


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